Please I need your advise this is a very serious confession....
Please I need your advise this is a very serious confession.
Now it is even getting better. I faced lot. I was the formal senior Prefect many years ago in my secondary school. on that course i loss my dad. I suffered due to lack of money to further my education. later many after many years i could not further then i worked as a primary school teacher and i helped my mum financially too. Thank God we had our family house built by mum and dad. I met my friend one day who saw me as a new comer in his church, he told me he could help me that he is sponsoring himself at university and he can sponsor me not knowing that he was just going to lecture rooms and was not really a bona fide student in University. I told my mum, but mum was worried because she didn't know who the guy was but i explained all things are alright to mum. I told people i have gained my admission since he told me i can do part time in school since my result was alright (i had excellent through all). But when i got

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