
Oct. 3rd 04:45 PM 2009
but i really dnt think i need help with dancing, but u can help me if u want. na i posted a video of me dancing, u never seen it?


Oct. 3rd 04:42 PM 2009
i never leave o! i did for a little but im back now.....are u loggin off?


Oct. 3rd 12:18 PM 2009
its my fav..i never learned how to prepare it...i always go out to eat it... please cook it for me one day..i need a home cooked meal.

is this ur poem?

Oct. 3rd 11:25 AM 2009
its lovely....i wanna hear more.


Oct. 3rd 11:22 AM 2009
that wasnt eba. it was pounded yam and egusi....yes ooo, lets go chop there!


Oct. 3rd 11:07 AM 2009
i feel better already....wat do u have planned for today?

good morning honeypie!

Oct. 3rd 10:49 AM 2009
im doing well...how are u? i had trouble sleeping so here i am on NP very very early in the morning

let me

Oct. 2nd 06:10 PM 2009
be the judge of that....so are u going to?


Oct. 2nd 06:02 PM 2009
where u trying to spell my name or u were just caling God? Yes i am y u dey ask?


Oct. 2nd 06:01 PM 2009
It surprises me u are falling for phil2 tricks.Believe me blings, Phil was d confessor and he's also sexycum.Check his handwriting 4 evidence. Evidence like: use of small letters, no full stop but ditto (....) rather.