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Purplemoon (Purplemoon17)

: I guess I never really get to make up back here... I have been too sick and now I am caring for my sick Mum. I miss all of my amazing friends from here so much. I will return one day. I know it. One Love my dear friends XxxxxxxxX
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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emeruma (emeruma)

: "Soulmates. It's extremely rare, but it exists. It's a sort of like a twin souls tuned into each other." Would you believe?
Location: Panay Island, Philippines
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Ayo Ajiboso (lilie-jay)

: reactivatng my season of double portion of extrvagant blessings
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
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Kay (blingzalicious)

: Omg!! d video wiv dbanj n snoop dogg is out now! (Y)
Location: London, United Kingdom
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