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Akeem Opeyemmy (sulakishop)

: You are what you constantly think you are! 7f18f558
Location: Benin City, Nigeria
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Oroale mathew olawale (mattew8)

: what is this country turning into? wait a minute,I wanna share what I witnessed at Ikoyi xterday. i left the office around 5:40pm,just as usual....traffic congestion was the order of the day,even though the vehicles were still. we were appr
Location: lagos, Nigeria
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Roy (Royil)

: im afraid of love but the only real love is that of Jesus
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
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: A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town's most successful l
Location: lagos, Nigeria
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Itse joseph Omire (itseomire)

: If i could go back in time and fix all the mistakes i made,i wouldn't because they made me who i am today.
Location: warri, Nigeria
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