Hello My dear Friend   I Just found The Only Social Media Platform That Will Pay You to Socialise and Make Friends Online   Facebook has dominated the social media networking world for many years now, Its where people come together and communicate and interact with each other.  In the past many other such networks have come and gone, because they didn’t have what it takes to cut it to engage with billions of people all over the world.   Facebook doesn’t pay you to use their platform or have any sort of loyalty schemes for the everyday user, it doesn’t even say thank you to their billions of members for helping them to make their billions of dollars every year, but millions still use their platform everyday day to chat with their friends and families! Myself included.   A few days ago I was introduced to a new Social Networking company  which looks like it may have the potential to give Facebook a run for their money.   The  platform is based on the same concept as Facebook, and members can interact with each other in the same manner. However this new social melty media  has added a few different tools to its platform. will pay its users big amounts for using its social services and will get big bonuses for things like sharing or liking a post. Please ask me for more info.   Kind Regards   Yonas