peas be unto you

Apr. 28th 10:00 PM 2014

You are bless my beloved,
How are you? hope you are in good health to the glory of God almighty.
I know this mail will surprise you, don' t be surprise much,God almighty has chosen you for a mission and be blessed with the sum of $760,000.00.Us Dollars,for liberal mind and you obey him,I am Reverend. Father Frank Victor, I am 83 years old of age, I inherit business share holder in a Mining company in my country Australia.I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer.It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, now I have little time to live, according to medical experts,I have decided to give more aims to charity organizations,I have distributed money to some charity organizations in west African countries, Algeria, Indonesia and Haiti. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly,I cannot do this myself anymore,I feel is time for me to rest which I do not know when I will leave this life,I asked Lord what should I do with my money?as am having no family,Divinely direction is to use it to bless more orphans,since i can not do this on myself i was
directed to contact you,My beloved,Let this money be shared into three parts according to the direction, One part is for you, Second part is for Motherless baby homes, Third part is to be invest to a good business that will bear my name and manage by you.Yearly half part of the profit from the business you make take to needy and orphanage homes. always keep doing these not to fail a Divine direction and it shall be well with you for ever.

This is my lawyer,s contact information as follow below:
Name. Barrister Alfred Dumor
E-mail:{ [email protected] }
Telephone number: +221-782-135-795.
He will educate you more on how you will receive the money, Please feel
free to contact him on mail or phone.I am not sure further communication with you Again,
Rev. father Frank Victor


Mar. 14th 02:08 PM 2014


My name is Miss Suzan Sangare from Abidjan Ivory Coast in west africa ,I decided to write you after going through your profile , Infact ,l am intrested in going into intimate relatioship with you , please kindly respond to my private email below this letter , l will get back to you with full details of my self and my picture .

Yours Sincerely


My private email: [email protected]