long time no hear

Oct. 8th 04:26 PM 2008
rightnow,its been like years since we last saw each other.hope u r doing good?belive to hear from me soon,i mean pretty soon.miss u plenty


Oct. 5th 10:01 PM 2008

Nigerians Sold As Slaves In Germany. Forward

Aug. 8th 09:51 PM 2008
Call for protest against the deportation interviews in Halberstadt

>From Thursday morning, 14th August 2008, there will be again interviews
by the Nigerian embassy at the GU-ZAST Halberstadt. There were such
interviews before, in Munich in August last year, this year in
Halberstadt in January, in Dortmund in February, in Ludwigsburg in
March, in Munich in June and in Karlsruhe in July, now again in the ZAST
in Halberstadt. Refugees from all over Germany are summoned. The aim is
the deportation of every refugee who is identified to be Nigerian.
Language features and appearances are the main criteria ...

In the past, Africans e.g. from Liberia, Uganda, Togo and Sudan were
interviewed and deported to Nigeria by means of these embassy
interviews. The officials employed by the Nigerian embassy receive 250 EUR
from the German authorities for every interview and another 250 EUR for
every "travel document" ...

Without any advance warning, the police comes to the refugees' places of
residence to bring them to the embassy interview, no matter if they got
a summons or not. This way, 2500 asylum seekers in Germany are to be
Warn the refugees you know!

We will protest against the interviews in Halberstadt simultaneously on
14th August in the morning...
Zentrale Anlaufstelle für Asylbewerber (ZAST),
Friedrich-Liszt-Straße 1a,
38820 Halberstadt

Let us call attention to these deportation interviews and be there.
Moreover, you can write a fax to the Nigerian embassy: fax: +49-(030)
and phone Halberstadt: phone: 03941-6640

Address of the Nigerian embassy in Germany for protest:
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
Neue Jakobstr. 4
10179 Berlin
[email protected]
