how it begain broda

Nov. 22nd 09:56 AM 2011
The historical perspective of this confraternity can be traced to a book "Fanny" by Erica Jong. In the book, a narrative of the Adventures of Fanny Hackabout Jones, the word "BUCCANEER" is a curious one. When Christopher Columbus landed on Hispaniola, he carried livestock which he introduced to the island. The livestock were tended by the natives for a while but soon ran wild through the isle. With the promise of livestock, hunters, shipwrecked seamen, run-away slaves and every sort of adventurer soon took to hunting as their means of livelihood. They killed their prey and grilled its meat the way the savages had taught them; upon a sort of rack that the natives called Bukan or Boucan (in French) made of greenwood and lashed with the greenest vines. Thus the meat they killed and grilled was called Viande Boucanee and the men who grilled it Boucaniers or Buccaneers.