
Aug. 27th 10:53 PM 2011
Im a relatively cheery chap; friendly, thoughtful and a good listener. I can be quiet but only because Im a thinker, by my own admission I can sometimes be an over thinker. I like to think my confidence has grown over the last few years and these days I can be assertive without walking all over others. I have a passion for the different things in life and especially for the cinema, I am a film fan/buff to an amlost geeky degree and am unashamed. My friends are my life, they are who make me happy and who have made me who I am,


Aug. 27th 10:36 PM 2011
I'm old actor living in Essex. I'm a genuine guy, with an open heart and mind. In three words I'd say that I'm charismatic, unpredictable and loveable. I'm the kind of person who is easy to talk too, very sociable, likes a drink now and then, (more now than then) and I'm a person who, no matter what happens in life, will always try and make the best of it.