hey babe,how u doin?sry it took me kinda long to reply back

Aug. 5th 02:46 AM 2012
i don't remember what i wrote the other day.like i was saying those people who lack manners are just unhappy and angry people......and like really short tempered.can't stand people like them who jus starts insulting others jus like that.....


Aug. 4th 02:58 AM 2012
I am not lying. Check his nose, cos he knows. lol


Aug. 4th 12:43 AM 2012
how are you nice meeting you

I say:

Aug. 2nd 09:22 AM 2012
How are you dear? Longest time!


Jul. 27th 10:52 AM 2012
aw ru dear, u're so looking sweet.....popped in npals to see what's up. I guess its still so fly as it's always been .................miss ya muchos !!!!! Amma giv u a call 2mao..xoxoxo


Jul. 26th 12:02 PM 2012
I am waiting for you to be my wife. .


Jul. 24th 12:14 PM 2012
lol... Kini, how are dearie...? Ur presence on my profile always leaves a pleasant aura...


Jul. 20th 05:29 AM 2012
how are you... dropin by to see how u are doing... lol nice

yea sweets...

Jul. 17th 05:09 AM 2012
got a jab in lag.. looking ahead thou. still on still missed ya loads

hi lav

Jul. 16th 08:58 AM 2012
ehmmm finally relocated to lag.. done with boko for good.
being quite an age babes