Sincere thanks Bellow Oluwatoyin

Dec. 3rd 11:41 AM 2010

Happy & Prosperous 2010
Not everyone who helped you when you were down,
will celebrate when you're up.
Some people feel powerful when they can look down on you,
but miserable when they have to look up to you.

Sometimes you don't realize how far forward you've made it
until you meet stationary people from your past.
Relish your progress, whilst improving your pace.

It isn't easy driving forwards through obstacles whilst transfixed
on images in the rear view mirror.
You have enough opposition to overcome in your future,
why use your energy on yesterday?
Practice imagining a bright future instead of remembering your sad, bad past.

Aimless people can't prioritize because they have no vision for life.
They major on the minor,
put the cart before the horse and constantly waste time on irrelevance.

John Logie Baird worked on his idea called "Television"
only to find out that Philo Farnsworth was working on a similar idea.
There are billions of people on earth,
some have ingenious ideas just like yours.
Make it happen before someone else does!

God is your strength!! (by Chioma Kalu)

Much Love to You! Thanks.
Quinn Maybach :-)

Easy guy

Dec. 3rd 05:27 AM 2010
I am born to do it right