SELF INVESTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun. 21st 06:52 PM 2013

“You cannot eat dead and have life”.

One of the life principles of success is nothing but self investment. People of great repute make it a duty to learn something new in their domain of passion daily. They don’t surrender their success in relationship, marriage, business and career to fate or situations and circumstances. What you are not prepared for you can’t manage. Those pursue success in different aspects of their lives by preparing themselves for it. When you are prepared, you become a magnet that attracts the people, events and resources necessary you to your next level of achievement. Self investment is a primary requirement if you desire to see your life, relationship, career, business or enterprise move forward. Where you are in life is as a result of what you know. If you want to achieve more, become more or possess more, you must inevitably know more. What you know is reflected in what you do, and what you do will determine the kind of result you will achieve in life.

You personally created your present life by applying what you know. You may even say that it was God who brought you there without understanding that as a man thinks and apply his thoughts, so is he. Your own thoughts brought you to where you are today. All God did was set the principles in motion. Anyone who desires to be better can do so by simply improving the quality of the thoughts which they tolerate and imbibes in their minds. “BE-DO-HAVE” is the life principle by which we all merit success. Who you are on the inside will determine what you do, what you do will eventually result to what you will possess. You cannot be a failure on the inside and expect to miraculously triumph in any venture. Success is not an accidental occurrence; if you don’t have it, you won’t manifest the ability to create it, attract or possess it. You either have what it takes by developing your inner resources or you continue to struggle through life because you chose to remain the way you are. Some people who struggle financially decide to change their country thinking that success will automatically be greeted the moment they step off the plane in a foreign country. “A lizard in Africa can never be a crocodile in America simply because it entered an air-craft”.

A major change of environment without a corresponding mental shift will inevitably produce the same effects since it is just the transfer of the old mind set to a new site. I have come to realize that there are millions of people in so call advance nations that are languishing in poverty because of who they are on the inside. Success has nothing to do the color of your skin or eyes. It has everything to do the person you are on the inside. If you change who you are on the inside, you will succeed right where you are now. Please you don’t need to escape to some distant land to make it in life. Haven’t you realize that those who don’t read are not better than those who cannot read? Both of them are the same. A medical doctor who stops reading after medical school is not better than an illiterate trader who doesn’t know how to read. Both of them are on different levels of illiteracy, that’s all. Life is a movement! The day you stop learning you start dying.


Jun. 3rd 07:04 PM 2012
One of the greatest mistakes of men is not the legalization of abortion or the unfair justice perpetrated the world over; but their failure to put their all in God (the source of life and existence), no doubt their institutions can not stand the test of time. Trust cannot be generated when there is no foundation to supports it. Franklin D. Roosevelt said: “confidence thrives only on honesty, on honor, on sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. “Without them it cannot live.” It is assuring to be related with a person so reliable that we feel secure with him around, assured that that he will neither take advantage of us nor betray us, confident that he will not let us down. We can trust him, whether it is to look after our money or our reputation. He is the infinite intelligence, source of life and existence, sovereign influence, universal centrality, center of all convergence and point of all convergence, GOD. The way is too hard for any one to try to make it alone or with only humans-we need to lean on divinity. Therefore let us trust God: when our way is dark, when our burdens are heavy, when our heart bleeds, when our job is threatened, when our friends are unkind, when our enemies persecute us. Humanity is in dare need of divinity, for success to be insure.