
Aug. 1st 07:12 PM 2008
no vex for the peeping... i missed my way!!

" all haaaaail hitler" ..........

Jul. 24th 02:32 PM 2008
.........sup??!!!.........jst payin ma dues

my day?

Jul. 23rd 07:00 PM 2008
.......been ok i guess....wit d usual everyday boredom of office life,i'm surrounded by paper...paper n more paper...jst takin a peek, tk gud care of dat lil mustache u got on dere...catch ya l8r.

for real?.......

Jul. 22nd 03:40 PM 2008
......nah......dont think i'd like 2 kiss hitler.


Jul. 22nd 01:50 PM 2008
u dflwrd me on naijapals so I'm sendin u a lil sumtn sumtn!


Jul. 22nd 10:13 AM 2008
4 d diamonds dave, they're beautiful........but real ones wuld be perfect!


Jul. 8th 02:25 AM 2008
thx for the comment.lol

yeah i remember..

Jul. 7th 11:30 PM 2008
they all make sense tho!! lol


Jul. 7th 10:11 PM 2008
my messages are compicated 2u?
well sry dont kno how to put them in simple terms
what is it u dont understand?


Jul. 7th 05:48 PM 2008
lol so u a white counrtyman now?
lol but im good tho