May. 13th 03:27 PM 2013
It might be hard to get over the man you love, but you won't know until you try. As women, we tend to continue relationships that destroy who we are – physically, socially and mentally .

We give up our individuality, happiness, families, friends, pride, wealth and success- in order to satisfy the man in our lives. Lets face it girls, we are strong and can achieve so much without anyone's help, so why let someone destroy what you worked hard for? Let's appreciate, love and believe in ourselves.

Elizabeth Nkau said: "I cooked and cleaned for him, stopped talking to all my male friends, came home early to him, bore a baby for him and what did I get? A promise to get married, which never happened, two other babies from another woman, a string of girlfriends calling his house and a Death sentence of HIV/ Aids. Was it all worth it? No, I knew all along he was cheating, but I stayed because I loved him. I never realized he didn't love me back. A man who cheats does not love you, he just likes you." I am waiting for my last breath as I lie in my bed, helpless, knowing I will leave my child without a mother.

"Ladies, please don't end up like this.


Aug. 25th 04:24 PM 2010
u ok.