
Mar. 17th 04:55 PM 2012
Happy birthday. I wish you many happy returns.


May. 25th 09:12 PM 2009
The virtue of love isnt finding the perfect person, but by loving the imperfect
person perfectly.

dnt be afraid 2 say "i love u" 2 d 1 u luv... for wen ur ready itmyt be 2 late...
d 1 u luv may hav found d comfort of hearin it from som1 else..

If love isnt a game then why are there so many players?

u luv coz u weep.u weep coz u hurt.u hurt coz u fail.u fail coz u try.u try coz
u need.u need coz u want.u want coz u feel.u feel coz u live.u live coz u luv

have u eva notcied a heart is two upside down teardrops

Love's beautiful like butterfly when u try to catch it, it will fly away but when
u cool and silent, it will come and touch u. So wait for ur butterfly!!!!