
Jun. 16th 04:11 PM 2009

re: hey missing rib

Jun. 16th 11:26 AM 2009
God won't tell anyone that. What God said in the Bible was "Love the one you marry", and not "marry the one you love". After Adam blamed Him for Eve, HE wouldn't matchmake again.So then, don't go to the village for a rib.Get someone who's a professional like you, unless you plan to be mediocre all your life!


Jun. 15th 07:55 PM 2009
im doing wonderful and urself


Jun. 15th 06:14 PM 2009
so plz mind ur damn business and dont come telling me rubbish about what u like and dont like about me ok.. bye

wuz up

Jun. 15th 04:39 PM 2009
so u can now see me


Jun. 5th 07:15 PM 2009
whats up

im doing

Jun. 1st 06:47 PM 2009
wonderful and urself


May. 30th 08:21 PM 2009
thats my favourite songggg...
how u doing 2day?