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Blessing Edet (blessedme)

: am so happy....i found maself in another month....thank you JESUS
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
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Belinda Justins (belindajustins)

: friendship is a collections of heart ready to give...share...understand, it reminds us dat life is not perfect without e
Location: frankfurt, Germany
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omorewa (omorewa)

: God is a merciful he has never forget his loved one. Happy xmas to everyone x
Location: london, United kingdom
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Mac (singlegurl)

: Ladies who would love to be a part of my bbm group specifically for lesbians and bisexuals, send me a request on 26E4DAA1.. It is strictly for ladies and no male will intrude cos you will pass through a lot of screenings before u become a m
Location: abuja, Nigeria
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olamide loretta (anitacute2003)

: Lets make decisions out of situations n not allow situations make decisions 4 us.
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
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