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Rita Gbajobi (ritaagbajobi)

: I am destined for Greatness.....:) and forever i will be...Amen
Location: Navan, Ireland
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PRAVICY2 Me, Myself And I (ajcoolkid)

: Would Liked thank all the comments appriecated allot...from Bottom my heart...u all true friends if don't get back o
Location: BC, Canada
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Olu Ajayi (oluajayi)

: started later but I've overtaken now with enormous burst of energy to carry me even further, but a bit worried she&
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
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Tunde (Tundea1)

: A major part of the meaning of life is contained in the very process of discovering it!!!
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
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tochi nnamani (tochilin)

: Relationships are like drugs, they either kill you, or give you the best feeling of your life. #lindasays
Location: minnesota, United states
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