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Happiness Odey (happinessodey)

: My desire is the passion for which I live my life.
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
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Rayzak Ray (Rayzak)

: am planning to come to the city of the Hustlers (Lagos)
Location: Chicago, United States
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beverly Sobrevega (babes21)

: belated happy birthday,happy birthday& advance happy biryhday to all of my friend here in Nigeria,wish you all the best
Location: Iloilo City, Philippines
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ajala habib (habibajala)

: Tears don't come when you miss a person but they come when you don't want to miss a person.%u011Eo
Location: lagos, Nigeria
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**Mizz 0** (osaomo)

: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! it's been a very long while lovelies!
Location: Jerrr-zzz!@&^%, Azerbaidjan
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