11 Feb 11, 01:20 PM, Africa/Lagos | Previous 17 of 25 Next

21st Century Strategic Studies and Research on Laws and Concepts 35USD!!! Every time demands for its own civilization, this is supported by Albert Einstein in his statement “The significant problems we are facing cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”. In Laws & Concept of the 21st century, Dr Benard Etta states; the advent of the 21st century demands for the expounding of new laws, concepts, theories and hypotheses equal and relative to the ch

21st Century Strategic Studies and Research on Laws and Concepts 35USD!!! Every time demands for its own civilization, this is supported by Albert Einstein in his statement “The significant problems we are facing cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”. In Laws & Concept of the 21st century, Dr Benard Etta states; the advent of the 21st century demands for the expounding of new laws, concepts, theories and hypotheses equal and relative to the ch - click for next photo
21st Century Strategic Studies and Research on Laws and Concepts 35USD!!! Every time demands for its own civilization, this is supported by Albert Einstein in his statement “The significant problems we are facing cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”. In Laws & Concept of the 21st century, Dr Benard Etta states; the advent of the 21st century demands for the expounding of new laws, concepts, theories and hypotheses equal and relative to the


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