Hey sexy

Jan. 15th 12:46 PM 2009
I got tripped about your profile,i am looking for such a girl..can i know more about you?or do you have a yahoo?so we can chat more better on there,or can i have your mobile number so we can talk more on phone..
My name is Femi,from lagos,student ready accounting....if you wanna know more about me,ask me,coz i will really like to know you more better....07040814298


Nov. 13th 07:15 PM 2008
o girl u are goodlooking

Hi sexy

Nov. 13th 03:54 AM 2008
Wht's up? I came across ur profile on here and I really like wht i saw on ur profile. I wud b so glad if we can get to knw each other better. Here is my contact #08020385409, pls jst beep me and i'ill cal u bck. Take care bye.......