
May. 12th 08:57 PM 2008
baby wat's up? u no go kill me with laugh...i dey feel u die...notin do u... just kip doing ur thang.....hw ur endz?


May. 12th 08:52 PM 2008
am kool just in this boring country doing nothig apart fr sleeping and eating think of moving to uk seems lots of niger dey dat area.and wat about u.


May. 12th 08:43 PM 2008
dont tell me u r still talking about yoruba or no yoruba.ok i will make it up to u.wat if i say u can can be my friend does dat change the topic.


May. 12th 08:33 PM 2008
dont get me wrong u name sound like a yoruba the way wats with u.

hey wats up

May. 12th 08:23 PM 2008
for my mind i know u r a YORUBA girl that most reason y am dropping by to say hi.

hayyo babe

May. 12th 02:17 PM 2008
lol ure are u anyway?

hello pretty

May. 12th 09:21 AM 2008

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hello pretty

May. 11th 08:20 PM 2008
hw r doin? thx 4 d add. hope u had a nice day?

IMAGINE!!!...U TOO?????

May. 9th 06:05 PM 2008
U FORGOT MA BDAY ABI???.....I NO BELIEVE............


May. 7th 06:28 PM 2008
same jareeeeeeeeeeeeee