
Dec. 22nd 03:15 PM 2008

Christmas Glitter Graphics


Oct. 31st 05:04 PM 2008

Always be true to urself

Oct. 29th 09:41 AM 2008
In this complicated and twisted world it could pose as a challenge for u to be able to main a standard. But through it all it is expected of u to have a standard if u must have a face in history. Many walk the face of the earth in other men's shadow never finding time to creat a niche for themselves.This could be traced to the fact that they dont believe in themselves or better still are not true to themselves. And the greatest mistake man can make is the mistake of not doing what one should have done and at the end of the day regreting not to have done it.
So my advice to u is that in evry thing believe in urself. Nobody can run u down if u dont run urself down. remain blessed.