Jan. 7th 05:37 PM 2010
happy new year!!


Jan. 7th 01:30 PM 2010
Congratualtions my Love, I am, "SO PROUD OF YOU" I knew without a doubt, I just felt it in my entire soul that only positive results would be yours. Am doin d happy dance here sweetie...lol..You Go Baby!!! LOL. Muuaahhhh!

...and Gud Morning to you, my Mr. Delicious

Jan. 7th 11:04 AM 2010
Yea sweetheart another hectic day, but by days end, all will be fine. Came to drink from my brook of love huh? Well, drink up my sweetheart, cose it's all for your takin, and there's a never endin flow, and it's yours and yours alone. I too, am filled with a heart full of gratitude for you, cose the love you shower me with is amazing and I can't get enough of you either. Have a wonderful and blessed day, am sending millions of kisses to you. Laterz my Love

Mr. Delicious

Jan. 6th 08:49 AM 2010
Stopped in to wish you a sexy and wicked Wednesday and a Delicious one too, just as mine has already started off to be... *smiling*...Mmmm.
Baby, I hope you rested well last nite and your day is off to a wonderful start. Miss ya bunches...Muuaahhh!

Safe Journey Man

Jan. 5th 01:20 PM 2010
l Hope it'll be a Hot Girl sha, then the Braiding will go Smoovly :)


Jan. 5th 12:52 PM 2010
go ahead wat is da ???

My Darlin

Jan. 4th 08:44 PM 2010
Am sending up prayers for you, as you journey back to Calabar. May God watch over you and keep you safe throughout your travel. I await to hear from you when you are safe at home. Am with you in spirit my Darlin, have a safe trip. I Love You

Angels Watching Pictures, Images and Photos

My Sweetheart

Jan. 4th 10:00 AM 2010
Wow. I know it's hard to try sleeping again after your dream, cose I have experienced d same thing with dreaming of you too. D serene feelin you have dis morm is d same as I tell you I have in my life now too. I feel deeply dat it's all connected and well, am a believer dat dreams can come true. As I have said before, a day is coming when we walk outta our dreams and straight into all reality, and I know in ma heart, dat day is comin. Remember all d times I have said, I will meet you in your dreams, and it seems I finally have...sweet. *smiling* It's an amazing feelin isn't it Sweetheart. You say maybe you are going crazy? Lol. Yea, we both are...Crazy In Love, and Good Morning to you too, Mr. Delicious

Happy Sunday ma Baby

Jan. 3rd 06:01 PM 2010
Am so happy your day has been nice, and you are doin fine. Also, thanks so so much for caring for me as you do, you're wonderful and I Love Ya.
I'm ok here too, just returned from church a few minutes ago, and my service was wonderful, thanks. I said a little prayer for us too, *smiling*, God is Wonderful, yes?
The poem, is not my actual works, but did add and delete a few things, but still yet, says exactly the 100% truths, as to the high esteem I hold you and value you in ma heart, without a doubt. Cose, there isn't anything that can or will ever compare to how priceless you are, and how much I treasure you and value you, as a person and as, my Love; and I mean dis with my complete heart Honey.
Well, was thinkin dat maybe you had forgotten about our little wager, but as I see, dat ain't gonna happen huh? Lol Lol. Darn It!! yea, I owe you pizza and I know d rest too. So, as being a woman dat owns up to her debts, I will pay up. If, and just if, (note the emphasis on "IF") you are a good boy, I may even throw in a little bit of Delicious desert to top it all off...Wat about dat, Huh...interested? Lol.

Just Because...

Jan. 3rd 11:35 AM 2010
