Nne di mma,

Nov. 8th 06:45 AM 2008
How are u doing?Have a rocking weekend.


Nov. 7th 11:19 PM 2008
i need to find a much matching music then!


Nov. 7th 02:50 PM 2008
Congratulations, sorry been kinda busy we talk much more better tomorrow. Take care xoxo


Nov. 7th 04:33 AM 2008
oook, well at least u were there, i wish i was but i was watchin it on my television, but i swear i saw u running when they were showin it on CNN, naa just messin with u.


Nov. 6th 11:48 PM 2008
No we dont


Nov. 6th 11:29 PM 2008
I just saw some bricks - lol - you really care! - ~~~joking


Nov. 6th 11:19 PM 2008
im not in Houston, im in Grand Prairie, near Dallas

Whats poppin

Nov. 6th 08:36 PM 2008
Hey Beautiful, how u doing


Nov. 6th 03:37 PM 2008
hey hw u doin

Mama' s luv

Nov. 6th 06:35 AM 2008
Chika you look so much like mum,
Is she from igbo too? You are pretty i must confess