
May. 29th 05:34 AM 2011
Myspace Life Graphics Quotes

Myspace Quotes Graphics

I have to learn to stop letting people

May. 27th 05:48 PM 2011
take me out of my character. God forgive me


May. 3rd 04:47 AM 2011


Apr. 19th 04:56 PM 2011
beautiful tusday


Apr. 8th 05:03 PM 2011
we always make tough decisions to move ahead but they should be the right one too


Apr. 7th 07:25 PM 2011
Relationships are meant to be truthful, and intended to progress into something lasting, and beautiful. They are meant to nurture.

Relationships are not meant to be stagnant or unsure. It means that one will go that extra mile for someone when they are up or when they are down, and it is mutual. If one is putting more into it than the other then the person putting in all the work needs to reevaluate the situation, and decide if that is the path he or she wants to take.


Apr. 4th 08:15 AM 2011

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Feb. 3rd 05:36 AM 2011
It is you and only you who you have control over, stop feeling the urge to force onto someone else your belief system. If you are being the best you can be, rather that is in school, at home, or with family and friends then that is all you have to own up too. Stop the self doubt, accusations that only seek to destroy who you are, and inhibits you from enjoying the beauty that life has to offer.

Where you are right now is where you should be, it is the stepping stone to something better. Times may be hard and you might want to throw in the tile. Don't because just when you do then you will never know if what you had was worth waiting for. There are temptations that try and pull you backward, the forbidden apple that might look good at the moment. Something sweet now might turn bitter down the line.

Enjoy where you are at this moment. Accept your mistatkes because without them you will never grow and mature into a more magnificent you. Don't give in to wishing for what you don't have, but accept what you do because all good things come to those who wait. Forcing something when your not quite ready complicates your life, and thus makes your goals that much harder to attain.

You don't have to live up to other's expectations, you are perfect just the way you are. Love openly, continue to be teachable, keep your promises. If you have high hopes then continue that way of life in everything you do from loving yourself, and others around you. Expect little, give much because great rewards come to those who have no expectation of return.

Remember no one is perfect and we gain something from our interactions with one another. Forgive those who have forsaken you, forget your past for it holds no bearing on your future. The only person that is holding you back in life, is you!

Put your best foot forward from this day on!

Remained Blessed

Is honesty always the best policy?

Feb. 2nd 03:36 AM 2011
Wanting someone to know you for who you are, or trust you, sometimes giving too much information leads to the opposite result. Let"s face it everyone has a past there is no way to get around that. Some may be good, and some not so good. You have the power to bury it where you left it, or if you choose to carry it along into you future then you must also be ready to face the repercussion. It is not enough to just assume that people who come into your life will never use what they know or have learned from other sources against you when there wanting to hurt you.

You can expect when everything is going good there is nothing to worry about, but when the chips are down what information rather true or untrue does that person have to go to battle with you? We all want to win an argument, and there is no better way to accomplish the win but by finishing a person with what is going to pull at their heart the fastest. When your angry most people can care less if what they say to you hurts that is one it is called an argument, and if all arguments or misunderstandings ended well then there wouldn"t be broken relationships, divorce, people seeking revenge, etc. I also wouldn"t be writing this either.

So I ask is honesty the best policy? My resounding answer is no, no, and NO. Don"t feed more information than is necessary, because what your doing really is carrying that baggage into your future. Past hurts, pains, failures should never be spoken about in depth, because once it is said the information you disclosed is no longer owned only by you. Is this the risk you really want to take? No one has the right to use what you have disclosed in good faith against you, so be careful the information you put out there.

I am not telling you to lie or be decietful but you must ask yourself does that person you are telling your whole life too give you the same honor? My guess would be no. Some things are better yet unsaid. If you were able to weather through some tough situations in your past don"t allow others to know how much you can or can"t stand, because then your held to that same standard.