Good work,u just have to keep it real.

Dec. 15th 06:29 AM 2009
Hello,i would like to say u are beautifully minded. I dnt know u but my spirit tells me dat u are not far from dat which u desire. Just be focus please. Remember,better is not got cos d best is yet to come. Stay cool and complement of d season to u.


Oct. 2nd 11:34 PM 2008
U look like my late sister.


Aug. 2nd 03:01 PM 2008
Marriage is a very interesting topic to talk about. Also it is a very beautiful experience to have if handled or gone about the right way.

Marriage and relationships have always been a favorite aspect of my life. I"ve always loved to see beautiful relationships and lovely marriages. It is also my desire to help people have them.

But I can"t deny the fact that quite a lot of people are into marriages and relationships that aren"t what they would claim to be happy with. Most marriages are either broken up or dead, most relationships are gone about in the wrong way or aren"t working out. These are usually due to lack of knowledge or insufficient knowledge about these issues.

Marriages and relationships can be beautiful; they can be successful, but for these to be, people have to make effort into finding out what makes them tick or what they really are;


I have discovered a lot of people enter into marriages confused, surprised and end up disappointed and this is mainly because they get into it with wrong expectations based on false information. Nothing is as dangerous as these two things when it comes to causing conflicts. Now let us consider some facts about marriage you should know before getting married.

-Marriage is a covenant: marriage is not a contract, an association, or an agreement, it is a covenant [Malachi 2:14]. Most people never fully understand what a covenant is. A covenant is actually unbreakable. That"s why God says it is only death that can break it (remember it"s till death do you part). In a marriage covenant the two parties die and only one resurrects so they are no longer two but one [the two shall be one flesh Genesis 2:24]. It is the same with our relationship with God. We were buried with Jesus Christ and we have been raised up together with him [Romans 6:4] so we are now the body of Christ. That is also how it is in marriage. If you want to be independent then marriage is not for you. You are now one. No more "my" but "our". No more my money, my house, my car, my body it"s now all ours. Irrespective of who brought or bought them. You will share your life completely. You will inherit all assets and liabilities.

-It"s going to be sacrificial: this is one of the points people never get. The whole idea of marriage is to serve and not just to be served. Marriage thrives more on selflessness and not selfishness. Apostle Paul said he would advise everyone to be single like he was. His reason? The single person can spend all his time and energy pleasing God, while the married has to please God and still please their spouse [1 Corinthians 7:32-33] And trust me; it"s easier to please God and just like our relationship with God, we don"t seek the blessings but the kingdom then all the blessings will be added [Matthew 6:33] so also in marriage, you don"t seek to be satisfied but to satisfy your spouse and only then will you get the satisfaction you desire. Let no one deceive you; marriage will cost you.

-It"s supposed to last forever: divorce and separation are gradually becoming the order of the day. Most people believe they can get married and if it doesn"t work out they can just walk out. It"s not uncommon these days to see a family where either the man or the woman has walked out on the marriage most likely with another partner. It is gradually being ingrained in the hearts of young people that marriage is a temporary arrangement. They believe you can marry anyone especially since after a few years you can trade them in for a newer model. Friend, marriage is forever. God hates divorce [Malachi 2:16]. So you have to be careful who you choose because you"re going to live with the person for the rest of your life not just for five years. The very thought of it is scary. That"s why you can"t rush into marriage. Your spouse is the only relative you can choose. You don"t choose your parents, children or siblings, because none of these relationships have to last forever. But God gave you the right to choose who you will spend the rest of your life with. So choose wisely. And remember, you CAN have the marriage of your dreams!

So, there my people. Hope you got some useful information from that. Information is always the key to success in any endeavor. It"s always a wonderful idea to build up on your knowledge on issues of such delicate nature as marriage and relationships.