Ok, i hear u

Apr. 17th 04:07 PM 2010
case closed....hwz ur day goin?


Apr. 17th 03:50 PM 2010
thatz ture but you nw whting monie now is a very big tax

I nailed ur head

Apr. 17th 08:56 AM 2010
U didnt even ansa my qstn....hw did u knw me?

C new lafta

Apr. 17th 08:53 AM 2010

Hmmm, c self defense

Apr. 17th 06:07 AM 2010
my 1s qstn was "why do u laff like agabs?" now u ve changed it 2 haha frm aha ha. Besides, papashaker is new.


Apr. 16th 11:55 PM 2010
u sound like him tho....eyaa.I ll catch u, i knw hw

My dear, am not Nigerian

Apr. 16th 11:52 PM 2010
abt my pix, i have different looks, I cud stil pose nude n look like a model....u knw agabs, dont pretend

does it sound like Igbo?

Apr. 16th 06:24 PM 2010
Nope!..............its not anywhere close to wat u know,,,,hw r u? why do u laff like agabs?


Apr. 15th 08:45 PM 2010
i bet u dnt wanna knw

u was to by someone,dat knows someone dat knows SOMEBODY.....LOL

Apr. 15th 12:26 AM 2010
someone told me 22nd..............