Feb. 19th 02:15 PM 2011
Thank you so much for adding me here on Naijapals. Im really looking forward to meeting you better. God bless you! Have a great day my bro!!!

Happy New Year Lawal

Jan. 11th 07:20 PM 2011

Happy & Prosperous 2011
Don't beat yourself up over your past mistakes, forgive yourself.
You can't fix a rotten past, but you can work to create a better future.
Say goodbye to sad yesterday,
you have an opportunity today to create a better tomorrow.

Desperation is hunger mingled with fear.
It causes people to make decisions based on pressure and unstable emotions.
Give yourself time to make decisions,
don't let desperation dominate your judgment and lead you to make bad choices.
(Chioma Kalu)

Much Love to You! Thanks.
Quinn Maybach :-)