Benjy. Thks.

May. 1st 11:16 AM 2009
“The point is not to be beautiful...The point is just to be you... Be true, Be wild ,Be You”
misswhiplas89: “who am i ? ru sure u want to know ?”

hi benjy

Apr. 30th 05:31 PM 2009
thx 4 the commens how r u? myspace graphic comments
Myspace What's Up Comments

Dis is so true.

Apr. 30th 10:57 AM 2009
I would never destroy my family, know matter how hard life get's. You only live one life, so do everything possible to make it good. Let your children and your children's children, remember you for all the good you did. I wish one day everyone would live in peace. To much distruction in dis here world, and hatred you have a good day benjy hug linde.

all is well here in texas dear

Apr. 30th 12:46 AM 2009
i am just a bit tired, and i think i will go to sleep early tonight. i have many things on my mind, and i just need to rest my mind. thank you for asking about me. oh, the twins will have their first birthday soon. my daughter is so excited. her babies are growing up now. time just flys dear. have a good evenening benjy. i am out, lol


Apr. 29th 03:09 PM 2009
benjy you can say dis again, it is sad should take his aggression out on sumting else. De family dont need to suffer a cruel ending? To bad de world we live in.

good afternoon benjy

Apr. 28th 06:53 PM 2009
i do hope that you have come out to play today, lol


Apr. 28th 09:48 AM 2009
tHiNkS hIlL tRy A LiL biT tO hArD lOoL

LoL @BeNjY

Apr. 28th 09:46 AM 2009
YeAh I AcCePt ThAnKs FrIeNd. I LiKe It.

ThAnKs FoR tHe InViTe tO yOuR dEn..

Apr. 27th 01:00 PM 2009


Apr. 27th 05:33 AM 2009
Get Monday Graphics at Caramel Comments!