
Mar. 16th 07:13 AM 2010
it will be very great to be one of your good friend.


Jul. 13th 09:32 AM 2009
Hi, whts cracking? I saw ur profile n was interestd u. I do like 2 be a frnd. P.m me back. Hope ur 2hear 4rm u soon!


Jun. 16th 07:47 PM 2009
baby nice to mail u .

hi cuty

Apr. 1st 12:29 AM 2009
i wanna knw u close


Jan. 24th 10:00 PM 2009
gush, girl u re an angel sent 4rm above.


Nov. 3rd 06:24 AM 2008
You are very Hot my dear


Oct. 19th 09:48 PM 2008
thinking about you......will like 2 meet u soon

just checking

Oct. 1st 02:02 AM 2008
how you d3y dud3?


Sep. 27th 10:16 PM 2008
love everything 'bout u... hope we can chat more. 08034783502


Sep. 26th 09:03 PM 2008
I wish i was there to peck these thic and sexy lip, Let's hookup... yea dont think.... we'll be a good match. just give it a try... Oga