How to Seduce a Girl Over the Phone

Jun. 20th 01:32 AM 2009
When it comes to calling a woman, there are certain things you should and should not do. Unfortunately, many guys are confused when it comes to this. They either rely on their friends' stupid advice, or are foolish enough to think they know what's best.

How to call a girl sounds simple enough, but there's so much more to it. Read on to learn everything you should know about dialing her digits.

Be realistic.

What would you think if someone you talked to an hour ago called you up to make plans for tomorrow? Wouldn't you wonder why they just didn't ask you face-to-face? Instead of calling a girl the same night, suggest in person that you go out the next day. Not only is it more natural, but it displays perfect confidence.

Don't be a dumb guy.

Women like to make plans, plain and simple. If they're going to go on a date, they like to know well in advance. Not only do they have to clear their schedules, but they have to plan the perfect outfit, makeup, etc. Nothing is more irritating to a woman than a man who asks her out at the last minute. In her mind, you're rude and inconsiderate, so call her well in advance if you want to schedule a date.

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