
Jul. 26th 04:26 PM 2009
oooo ok, so that means u went to church or what....im ok and urself...ma day is not going according as plan but i will get over it


Jul. 26th 02:50 PM 2009
im confused


Jul. 26th 10:14 AM 2009
kind of holiness do u have, tht is so brief waterboi


Jul. 25th 11:54 AM 2009
im not tht much into football but since, im workin in the surroundings I might as well, b a soccer fan


Jul. 25th 11:53 AM 2009
waterboi so wht did u do since u like war...me and u r still fightin don't 4get tht


Jul. 25th 11:48 AM 2009
so I guess u r the negotiator abi....waterboi aka negotiator...


Jul. 25th 10:37 AM 2009
CommentYou.com is your One Stop Shop

well well, waterman....LMAO

Jul. 25th 04:28 AM 2009
since ur day was so perfect,I wana knw wht u did


Jul. 24th 05:33 PM 2009
if i catch u, ummmmm, ok o.


Jul. 24th 01:30 PM 2009
I see u are going by ur new name, waterboi, lool, thts good, so whts making u day go really good...cuz I wanna knw