my sweet wife

Jun. 23rd 10:38 PM 2009
how was u day am missing u angel


Jun. 22nd 03:24 PM 2009
thanks for acepting my request of being your pal.are u on facebook plz if so search for me on facebook with OBI OBIORA RICHARD

lol wassup

Jun. 16th 07:18 AM 2009
this is in response to ur status...yes Love does costs ALOT. Love costs Time...n Time = Money. In Nigeria, love doesn't even cost just flat out costs

oh dear

Jun. 9th 09:47 AM 2009
am cool n feeling nice, tnx
i c u nt looking bad either, wts ur day like ?


Jun. 8th 12:51 AM 2009
gurl don't u get dem kinda mails? arrghh its sooo annoyin lolz..and to add insult to injury, dey mail bak after a while REMINDING me. lolz...i had a nice wkend jare. howz thangz witchu?


Jun. 7th 01:58 PM 2009

Myspace Glitter Graphics Maker

Myspace Glitter Graphics Maker
hilse fra Norge!


Jun. 7th 12:16 PM 2009
am d0in' fine here pRetTy! Everythings undEr my c0nTr0l! Whew!
Hows lifE over there?

hi pRetTy!

Jun. 7th 06:57 AM 2009
thankx 4 da adD!! Stay pRetTY always and hav a nice day ahead!


Jun. 6th 08:02 PM 2009
how have u been?


Jun. 6th 07:38 PM 2009
4 d add