hahahahhaha looooooool

Jul. 9th 03:32 PM 2009
now datz funny...lool well u gotta obey da rules of else.... it will get worst. i pray urecover soon.. waht causes typhoid?

yeah hun..i wud sure love to help u

Jul. 9th 03:23 PM 2009
uhmm what kinda drugz are dose..big ones??? i feel so sorry 4 u.. dont throw it away..kip taking it..it will pay u later on..hehe how many weeks r u suppose to take it?

typhoid??? omg

Jul. 9th 03:04 PM 2009
awwwwwww buh u feeling better now?? oh yeah i want some candy,,,u got any??? so u going bk to da hospital 4 a check up?

sowi i dont need dat

Jul. 9th 02:07 PM 2009
ur candy..lool hahaha u ve been sick>??? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what illness iz dat?


Jul. 4th 05:06 AM 2009
Come for Myspace comment codes, funny myspace comments, myspace comment images

om4g u don kolo

Jul. 2nd 04:09 PM 2009
hahahahahhah what u talkin abt?

hey yo

Jun. 27th 09:15 PM 2009
where ve u been?

hahahah maii friend

Jun. 10th 09:07 PM 2009
awwwwwwwwwwwww tanx a lot.. dat waz sooo nice of u.... whats been up wiv u??

mr stop it i like it is greeting

Jun. 10th 04:55 PM 2009
am greatful to u all my pals

u may not understand wat we mean to each oda but i think we have in one way or the

other impacted into each others life. God bless u all


Jun. 10th 01:02 AM 2009
how r U doing na?? Hope U r safe!?