
Jun. 7th 04:30 PM 2009
i dey wait


Jun. 7th 04:06 PM 2009
wats stoppin u?


Jun. 7th 03:52 PM 2009
same here..am gonna club tire!


Jun. 7th 03:24 PM 2009
dts funny thou..aii.....erm ma day? not bad.....how is urs?


Jun. 7th 02:56 PM 2009
i didnt get the mail o

U joker

Jun. 7th 02:38 PM 2009
u dnt knw how to direct it to me


Jun. 6th 03:57 AM 2009
my weekend wasn't bad. ddnt do much. Ow's ur week goin??


Jun. 5th 11:21 AM 2009
na meyn, dat ain't d life cuz u'll get tired of it. and besidez livin alone cumz wif responsibilities, don't fink u'd hve d time to do a lotta those stuff u wna do. lol anywayz food ready?

im a lady

Jun. 5th 11:06 AM 2009
i gotsta kno how to cook and not jst kno it but do it. and plus i live on mi own so yea i have no choice buh cook..


Jun. 5th 10:50 AM 2009
So kewl to kno u cook....