
Aug. 3rd 05:57 AM 2009
I have been here first with sms ac..then naijapals..Due to cur stances in my life...which I have not made public to all .I just MAY have to leave the internet for awhile .not sure yet...If anyone would like to know...Feel free to ask me ...cheerssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Aug. 3rd 01:08 AM 2009


Aug. 2nd 10:32 PM 2009
i get ur messag, thanks bro... hw was ur day na? hav a blessed night

Sometimes trouble just come to our door

Aug. 2nd 10:01 PM 2009
Sometimes trouble just come to our door .they keep coming like the rain that pour...The sun may shine but do not see .as troubles are like a cloud. That shuts all things .come rain or shine who cares at this time .for we need friends who cares...Who shares and peace

A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day!

Aug. 2nd 06:30 AM 2009
A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day! A person who likes gardening...Is because they came from soil and will return to soil a natural imstint. It is only the female mosquitoes that bite ................ trust a female it is better we forget and be happy...Than to remember and be sad... Anyone can be a father...But it takes a special person to be a dad your son is your son .till he takes a wife .but your daughter is your daughter for the rest of your life a man works from sun to sun...but a woman’s work is never done. Why do married people lead single people astray... a man who is happy at home stays at home


Aug. 1st 09:49 PM 2009

myspace comments
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Aug. 1st 09:16 PM 2009
There was this man .who worked all his life...He saved and loved money...He made his wife promise when he died...She would put his money in his casket .so when he died .before shutting down the cover .she slipped something in the casket ..Her friend asked...You did not put his money in there did you? Yes she replied .I promised him I would .I went to the bank...Got everything together...And wrote him a checgue

Tanks dear friend

Aug. 1st 03:54 PM 2009
much appreciated. Enjoy ur weekend.

thanks thanks and thanks

Jul. 31st 01:58 PM 2009
my dear, made my day a wonderful 1, my God indeed will bless U


Jul. 31st 01:54 PM 2009