happi birthday!!

Dec. 4th 04:09 PM 2010

African American Graphics
Google Homepage Wallpapers

Happy birthday

Dec. 4th 07:16 PM 2009
Today as you pluck a score, i wish you many more scores. Happy birthday!

how i wish,will u let me?

Jun. 6th 09:02 PM 2009
Wish I can catch a rainbow
To give it to you
When you are feeling sad and blue

Wish I can enter your heart
To know what’s bothering inside
When you can’t still share
What is the burden within you…

Wish I can build you a mountain
You can call your own
To be the place for you
To unleashed your emotions
For a peaceful tomorrow…

Wish I can be a bird
To fly to you now
To share joys and laughter
For me see
The glow on your sweet face...

Wish I can be at your side
To embrace you tight
To comfort you
Giving you calmness
When you are about to give up
And nobody seems to care
Even they are there at you side….

Wish I can be there with you….

can addme to ur yahoo messengr lets chat over there ok?mine is chris_bones009,wats urs?and pls give me ur number so can call u ok?i love ur pic


May. 19th 11:16 AM 2009
pls send me d email address or ur contact address


Mar. 30th 09:37 PM 2009


Mar. 15th 08:59 AM 2009
08036693902...I really appreciate voice chat dan all...pls an sms @least wil do...pls


Feb. 19th 06:44 PM 2009
If u dont mind dear, can we be good friends?


Feb. 18th 05:39 PM 2009
hello i am biyi stay in lagos,work in abuja.RSVP

Hi pretty angel

Jan. 27th 03:16 AM 2009
i must confess u are so so pretty, infact u are angel.
eugene xxx

hellp pretty

Jan. 21st 11:38 AM 2009
how are u doing today hope all is well with you? uhm pretty meet me here [email protected] or 08030848654 thanks