May. 11th 07:52 AM 2009
Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you;but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday."HAPPY BIRTHDAY

do you???

Feb. 22nd 12:07 AM 2009
Let's face it. To all relationships there comes the inevitable crisis. Someone is offended, and a painful process of alienation begins. Attitudes quickly change. Inappropriate words and actions soon follow. The relationship is strained and at times even ended. pls you know d.nice phone number?? Is this your experience?

First you have to be willing to forgive.

Feb. 21st 07:02 AM 2009
In every relationship the inevitable will happen...a fight! Hopefully not the physically abusive type, but just a heated disagreement that can sometimes cause the other party to throw their hands up and break up the relationship.
How can you avoid this? You really can't if your mate is dead set on going their own way.
But there are some things you can do to lessen the severity of an argument to later make up.
And we all know from Seinfeld, that make up sex is the best part of the relationship right? Just kidding!
Anyway, here are some important things you can do to make your relationship last

First you have to be willing to forgive.