I hv a recharge card 4 u

Feb. 3rd 06:48 AM 2009
As my pay, i hv a recharge card 4 u. send me yr number so dat i can reach u ok

na wah oh

Jan. 18th 11:06 PM 2009
gal tnx for representing da hotbabes.com club


Jan. 17th 11:24 PM 2009
baby have u see my fotos now

u r coooooooooooooooooooooool

Dec. 30th 01:48 PM 2008
waiting for u to add me to ur pals list. cant wait.


Dec. 29th 10:45 PM 2008
if i must say,uve got a pretty face..and u look like a model


Nov. 19th 11:33 AM 2008
u are just 2 much i wonder why u have not won a beauty peageant, u are g8

its me

Nov. 17th 10:07 AM 2008
jst wanna say u luk swt.can i get ur gsm no