
Member Bigbone crusher

Bigbone crusher

The only unchangeable certainty in life is that nothing is unchangeable or certain
Dublin, Ireland.

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bigbonecrusher got 6 votes with an average ranking of 5/5

Words begin as thoughts, so think carefully.

Filter your words carefully since speaking thoughtlessly is like aimless stabs of a sword whereas the tongue of a wise one is like healing lotion.


School Level Location Years
Dublin City University
Higher Education Ireland 2005-2008

Comments (8)



4 Feb 20, 05:44 PM, Africa/Lagos

Trust this message meet’s you well I Elizabeth Williams on behalf of my Organization, World Human Right & Aids Foundation. wish to invite you for this great international summit which i will be privileged to attend in Africa with my organization, we' ve been selected to attend in USA and West Africa. I recommend you to attend if you wish, you don’t need to worry air/tickets, accommodations and feeding will be taking care of throughout the approved participant' s stay for the conference in the United States. Kindly respond to me via Email ([email protected] ) for more information and process on registration, terms and condition also apply. Note: This offer is limited. Regards, Elizabeth Williams.UUU



3 May 12, 09:42 AM, Africa/Lagos




19 Apr 12, 05:22 PM, Africa/Lagos

Today,i‘m rejoicing with u nd congratulating u on d occasion of ur birthday nd wishing u many yeaes of happiness nd fulfillment.


sexy wow

14 Feb 12, 11:36 AM, Africa/Lagos




4 Oct 11, 02:18 PM, Africa/Lagos

Bro, dont mind them they will end up to regret it



3 Oct 11, 03:48 PM, Africa/Lagos

You are right i have met one with big story like that , fuck them, i love your advice



28 Sep 11, 03:10 AM, Africa/Lagos

your birthday is on the same day as someone I hold very special to my heart



23 Aug 11, 01:29 PM, Africa/Lagos

A Good friend.
thankx.4 d info.
Evil men understand not judgment;but they that Seek the LORD understand ALL things...proverb28v5.

Thou will Not be afraid of their internet Fraud.''ROG''T en thousands of them poeple,that have set themselves against me, us round about.

but thy LORD shall bring them down into the pit ..

''For thy LORD my GOD arise and save me,for thou hast smitten all thy Eneminies upon the Cheek bone;thou hast broken the teeth of the Ungodly...psalm3v6-7

Blessed bro,Much LOVE!!!!

in GOD will I put my trust.

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