11 Feb 11, 01:16 PM, Africa/Lagos | Previous 15 of 25 Next

Human Development concept 20USD!!! Human development is the trigger and will remain the trigger to every positive revolution. The breakthroughs of all times are all indebted to human development. Every level humanity attains in an era, is equal to the advancement in human development. The ideas, inventions, innovations, discoveries and creations which marked the 19th and 20th centuries were all products of human development. In the 21st century concept of human development, Dr Benard Etta cent

Human Development concept 20USD!!! Human development is the trigger and will remain the trigger to every positive revolution. The breakthroughs of all times are all indebted to human development. Every level humanity attains in an era, is equal to the advancement in human development. The ideas, inventions, innovations, discoveries and creations which marked the 19th and 20th centuries were all products of human development. In the 21st century concept of human development, Dr Benard Etta cent - click for next photo
Human Development concept 20USD!!! Human development is the trigger and will remain the trigger to every positive revolution. The breakthroughs of all times are all indebted to human development. Every level humanity attains in an era, is equal to the advancement in human development. The ideas, inventions, innovations, discoveries and creations which marked the 19th and 20th centuries were all products of human development. In the 21st century concept of human development, Dr Benard Etta ce


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