9 Feb 11, 12:20 PM, Africa/Lagos | Previous 1 of 25 Next

The greatness of a man is determined by the cause he is willing to live or die for!! I was born for this same purpose; to eradicate ignorance and to empower human resources, transform societies and nations through the dissemination of profound and prolific truths and demonstration of passionable works.

The greatness of a man is determined by the cause he is willing to live or die for!! I was born for this same purpose; to eradicate ignorance and to empower human resources, transform societies and nations through the dissemination of profound and prolific truths and demonstration of passionable works. - click for next photo
The greatness of a man is determined by the cause he is willing to live or die for!! For this purpose, I came into the world; to eradicate ignorance and to empower human resources, transform societies and nations through the dissemination of profound and prolific truths and demonstration of passionable and practical works.


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