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This isn't a confession i know. It's more of a request..But does anyone know and remember the show (zebudiah/zebadiah) not sure how its spelled. but its an old nigerian show and i used to watch it as a kid. Anyway my thing is i saw someone watching it on youtube but forgot to ask how they pulled it..does anyone know the link and how i can get it to watch on youtube?..thanks!...
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I really wonder why some people would put their profile on private and then you want to add people, why would I accept you, when I cant see your profile, how am I sure you are not a monster.... peoples please grow up...
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Why do you people like bad things than good things, i have been browsing confessions and only confessions, where someone said "i slept with this" or "i poisoned this" or "i pee in pools" is the one that you guys like discussing, but if its a good news, you just leave comments like "good for you", "and so what.. next?" Haba Naijapals people una c...
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There is this girl I have been dating for more than two year and we are so much in love. Every time she comes to my house we will sleep together. If she comes 6 times in a week we will do the thing 6 times. She does not loose flavour and I keep seeing reason to fall deeper and deeper in love. I have thought and ask myself if this is love or infatuation. And the most thing dat fears me is if we do ...
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please, want should i do? am in love with a lady on this site (naijapals) and she is in love with another person, but came into my life by herself, and now she's living without saying good bye. am runing down....
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Seriously, we need to grow up on dis very site!! You'll see some bitches saying some confessions are rubbish and yet they kip replyin to dat same rubbish.........afterall, the confessor only asked for advice and not yabbing whatever....... NB: DO NOT YAB ME AND MUMUS ARE EXCLUDED TO DROP COMMENT. SO if u've gat nothing sensible to say just pass by............ Matured people will...
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there is shis show on MTV base call "flavor of love" does anyone ever watch???????.......i think y'all shud watch cos it's so funny. american girls are so hood, especially the black girls fighting over some old black man whom is so old to be their grandfather....all bcos of money. my favourite is "deelishis" she has a very big bum though, and i knw guys wud love th...
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Well, ATL 2008 Nigerian reunion july 3rd to july 7th is going to be great and a great experience, but don't tell any one I told you that, just let them come experience it themselve with you...
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This is interesting... but TRUE Believe it or not. Woman has Man in it; Mrs. has Mr . in it; Female has Male in it; She has He in it; Madam has Adam in it; No wonder men always want to be inside women! Men were born between the legs of a woman, yet men spend all their life and time trying to go back between the legs of a woman...., Why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME ...
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im having a crush on my cousin wenever i think if him i imagin the 2 of us in bed....
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