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pls advice me,i was discussing with my future partner who has just arrived from a journey yesterday.there is no service in that village and he said due to that anytime he thinks about me,he will start to release and his trouses will be this normal for all males or it needs medical attention?...
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I recently got attracted to a man and we have been planning to get marrried soon. The problem I have with this guy is that he is shy. It is like he is afraid of being close to me or spending time with me. Whenever I pay him a visit he complains that he is tired from work. I am worried because this has been going on for a while and I think this behaviour will get worse once we get married. Wha...
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f it weren’t against my religion, I’d probably kill myself right now....
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i force myself to cry when i think it is appropriate; films, emotional moments, funerals. i’ve gotten so good at it i’m not sure when i cry if it is of good faith or not...
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Pls Pals, I dont know if this actually happens to others. Whenever there is something irritating whereby my friends spit out saliva, I always swallow mine. I tried spitting out when I see something disgusting but ended up swallowing. Is it Natural or maybe it happens to anybody else. Im confused.....
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guys just to update u on d latest, i wrote the confession(3693) i want to thank you all for your comments, you guys are like family to me, and it really means alot . well i did tell the guy how i felt about him today,...and he laughed so hard after i finished expressing my feelings....he told me too stop this silly joke and behave myself, like as if am a little kid. arrghhhhhh am so upset...
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this life sef...i attended an interview 4 the position of customer service. instead of the usual question and answer, the head of the panel told me dat there will be no need of going ahead with my interview cos i'm too ugly. that they r afraid of loosing their clients cos of my face after acknowledging i hv the best credential for the job. wot do i do....
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i meet this guy 5month ago,we where both inlove and full of passion.all of a sudden i got pregant for him and he urge me to move in with him which i was really happy about?we where both happy but one day i found out he still talks to his so called ex-gl nd i could see the passion in his eyes each time they talk i was confused didnt know what to do ?nd it was to late for me to get an abortion.........
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To all those guys that went to use one stone, for three birds, we are watching you... you no yourself......
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hey pals, help me out!...this is my first time of being in a relationship,I really wanna know how a guy can keep his girl company...coz most of the times i dont feel like talking to her coz there is nothing I wanna be saying than re assuring her of my love for her....pls what else can someone be saying on phone with his girlfriend?.....what can you be discussing in solitude?.....How can someone e...
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