TEARS OF A SINGLE MOTHER SEASON 5 -(NEW TRENDING MOVIE) Rachel Okonkwo 2023 Latest Nollywood Movie

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Some people are real, some are good; Some are fake and some are really good at being fake. One of the worst feelings in the world is having doubts about something you thought was unquestionable as well as knowing that you've been used and lied to by the person you trust and love the most. And it's funny how sometimes, the people you'd take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger. Watch as events unfold in this new blockbuster movie

CAST: Rachel Okonkwo, Smith Nnebe, Chantel Igwe, Jasmine Rajinder, Princess Sherin, Isaac Fred, Irene Ibekwe, Elvis Chibuike, Ejiofor Chikamso, Ugo Spunky.


DIRECTED BY: Emeka Ekwedike.

POST PRODUCTION: Doves Paradise Studio

COMPANY: Doves Paradise.

YEAR: 2023

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Added on Sunday, September 24th 2023, 12:08 PM
