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Luv is dat condition in which d happiness of another person is essential to ur own:Quit countin time n start makin time count.Nobody can go back n start a new beginnin,but anyone can st@ 2day n make a new endin.♥Waste no tears over d grieves of yesterday.Man is free at d moment he wishes 2 b.Most great people hav attained their gr8test success just one step beyond their gr8test failure.Hate has caused a lot of problems in d world,but has not solved one yet:A day without laughter is a day wasted.
Dont be angry with me please I'm just a new candidate on this Nijapals
I will show you my picture so that you will not take me as something else OK. that is by the way, how are you doing, how is work, how can we chat one-on-one at least I will know you better. or sent me with your mobile number
Baby girl, how are you doing, I'v not heard from you for long now, hope all is well.