How to be a Better Player in First-Person Shooter Video Games ?

A first-person shooter game can be described as a type of video game that involves the use of guns and other weapons of destruction from the first-person point of view. The player experiences the action as though he is submerged in the body of the protagonist. This type of shooter game is usually in 3-D and can be fun.

The Key to Gaining Click Speed In First Person Shooter Games

The game is more fun when the player can shoot very fast. Players can learn how to improve their shooting speeds by taking click per second (CPS) tests. You can take the CPS test online anytime. Below are five ways to be a better player in shooter video games:


During your first few weeks as a first-person shooter gamer, you may get killed frequently by more experienced gamers. You should know that this is a normal occurrence and shouldn't be bothered. However, you need to be patient to get used to things.

Spend enough time to discover why your opponents are so good and what you must do to rival them. Get used to the gaming atmosphere and the interface of the game in general. Be sure you know how to fire your weapons effectively. If you doubt your shooting skills, you can take a cps test to improve yourself. Remember, patience is key.

Discover Your Unique Playing Style

Everyone has a unique playing style. The problem is, that some discover theirs while others do not. If you are keen on improving on the game, you must try to discover which style suits you best. A playing style that you are not comfortable with may get you killed. Remember, taking a cps test can help you improve your skills and discover your unique playing style.

Select a Broad Range of Weapons and Find the Best One for You

Most first-person video games offer players the opportunity to select from a broad range of weapons. If you must defeat the enemies, you must select the right weapons for battle. Hence, being familiar with all the weapons in your arsenal can make you a better player.

Use Your Tools Wisely

Apart from guns, there are other types of equipment like grenades, knives, and even batons that may aid you in the quest to defeat opponents. It is a good idea to knowhow to use these tools wisely. For example, in the game, you may find yourself in an enemy camp where you cannot kill the enemies using guns alone. At that point, throwing a grenade may be the best option. So, go ahead and throw one — defeat them all.

Take Click-Per-Second (CPS) Tests

In the last couple of years, cps tests have been a major tool for video gamers. Not only does it improve their shooting speed, but it also helps them gain more accuracy. Modern-day gaming requires players to use the mouse much more often. Mouse clicks can be used for shooting in video games. To improve the speed at which you click your mouse button, you should take a cps test.


That said, there are a few ways to improve your skills as a video gamer. Some of them were not mentioned in this article. However, taking cps tests is probably the most important thing to improve in your gaming career. You can't call yourself a first-person shooter in games if your shooting speed is relatively slow.