
Member Aiyiviewemwinoya Eguagie

Aiyiviewemwinoya Eguagie

You can out distance that which is running after you, but you cannot out distance that which is running inside you.
Hollywood , United states.

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Kiviejoy got 4 votes with an average ranking of 4/5


School Level Location Years
Medical College of Georgia
Higher Education United States 1989-1993

Ethnicity? African
Body Type? Prefer not to say
Height? 5'02
Hair Color? Black
Eye Color? Brown
Body Art? Yes
Ethnicity? African american / black
Eye Color? Black
Body Type? Very curvatious
Hair Color? Black
Want More Children? Yes
Smoking? Never have never will
Drinking? Never have never will
In a Social Setting, I'm? Never really go out
Currently Living? With my significant other
Religion? Spiritual but not religious
Attend Services? More then once a week
How many sexual partners have you had? 3
Have you ever wondered "The one that got away"? Never
Tell us about your ideal first date? A long walk with playing and talking, and then a down pour of rain. And we continue walking and talking, and even dancing in the rain.
What is your favorite food? Veggies
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your most hated food? Some meat
Describe your ideal partner? Loving and romantic with meaningful traditions. Strong, willingness to be open to new things. Spiritual devoted to family and of great character. Not afraid of showing love and fighting for what he believes in.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? The power to heal all pain and suffering.
Who is your hero? Those who stand up for what they believe in.
What is one place that you have always wanted to travel? Dakar Senegal
What is your greatest failure? Allow fear to stop me.
What has been your greatest accomplishment? Fighting for my life and getting back al that I had lost.
Am here for? Fun, Look around, Nigerian music, Discuss nigerian issues
Marital Status? Committed
Have Children? Yes
Employment Status? Full-time
Occupation? Healthcare
Education? Associates degree
Annual Salary? $30,001-$60,000
My TV Watching Habbits? Discovery, Others
My Native Tongue Is? English
My Second Language is? English
Political Views? Non political
Sense of Humor? Friendly
Interested In? Arts, Dining, Hiking, Writing, Cooking, Swimming, Photography, Theatre, Gardening, Reading, Crafts, Volunteering
Friends Describe Me As? Aggressive and focused, Fun loving and wild, Quiet and shy, Cheerful and easygoing, Hard to figure out
Favorite Type of Movies? Family, Independent, Romance, Classics, Documentary, Foreign, Musicals, Other, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Mystery
I Drive A? I prefer not to say
My Biggest Pet Peeve? Telemarketers, Smokers smoking in non smoking areas, Other
Favorite Genres of Music? Classical, Reggae, Country, Jazz, Opera, Rock, Pop, Christian, Gospel, Salsa

Comments (5)



20 Feb 14, 05:59 PM, Africa/Lagos

That's wonderful, my love. Everything we've lost are all coming back to us!


Missing you!

20 Feb 14, 05:54 PM, Africa/Lagos

It' s a cold lonely afternoon,
I wish you were here, your smile
alone would have warm me up.

I have my eye closed with my mind-eyes
wide opened trying to feel you close.
Yes, you are so close but yet, so far away.

I' m missing you like crazy, but until you are
here again, I' ll take solace in reminiscing
the wonderful moments we' ve had
to light up my day.

I miss you!


Thank you, my love.

18 Feb 14, 09:24 PM, Africa/Lagos

Good afternoon, my love. I'm speechless :-). But I want to say It has been my pleasure doing all that I have done because you deserved it and even more. I will always be here whenever you need me; count on me always because I'm here to stay with you now and forever!


I'm speechless

16 Feb 14, 04:43 PM, Africa/Lagos

Awwww thank you for having such a wonderful thoughts about me, my love, it means a lot to me. You are a treasure I will forever hold in the most sacred and safe part of my heart. It's amazing how everything seem just like yesterday but it's been years gone by now. So many memories to cherish - of you and our beautiful girls. Thank you for giving me amazing gift - you!


Welcome to Naijapals

16 Feb 14, 03:53 PM, Africa/Lagos

Hi my lovely Ivie, welcome to Naijapals. I must say you are looking great, and it's nice to have you around. I'm hanging around here for a while to see If I can find something interesting to keep my day brightened, do hit me up when you can. Kiss and hug.

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