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unofficial 2face fans page
Trust this message meet’s you well I Elizabeth Williams on behalf of my Organization, World Human Right & Aids Foundation. wish to invite you for this great international summit which i will be privileged to attend in Africa with my organization, we' ve been selected to attend in USA and West Africa. I recommend you to attend if you wish, you don’t need to worry air/tickets, accommodations and feeding will be taking care of throughout the approved participant' s stay for the conference in the United States. Kindly respond to me via Email ([email protected] ) for more information and process on registration, terms and condition also apply. Note: This offer is limited. Regards, Elizabeth Williams.ER4
I want make u play for my wedding day if possible from bachelors nite everything make e happen for house. i will give you security to match and smooth play around flex boy. dis na mi # 08102696550 text message anytime no wave connection. Best regards, Whitey
long time time hearing hearing from u hw is life wit u? hop u r in studio cos i will love to future in one of ur song...
2baba keep doing good songs and keep winnin more award i wish u d best am ur diein fans elowhite
mr 2face am just dropping dis to notify u am one of ur die hard evrything about u .2babaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa.sandollar luvs u dieeeeeeeeeeeee
i lyk 2baba because he is muy mentor nd no any other musician lyk him in 9ja